Hey Beautiful People! My name is Kristen Faith and this is my story.


At 22 years old, I left an abusive relationship and shared my restraining order online and let the world read it. Breaking my silence changed my life.

11 days after being granted a restraining order I started a Facebook page where I shared stories, quotes, and poems to help me heal. Soon after, I filed to transform that digital platform into a nonprofit 501c3 organization.

The nonprofit helped victims and survivors break cycles and leave unhealthy relationships. I named the nonprofit Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence to inspire a movement.

We reached millions of people, celebrities, and brands globally like Sephora and Condé Nast. We raised over a million dollars for domestic violence advocacy and helped award over $40,000 in scholarships to students around the country impacted by abuse. The nonprofit reached over 230 million viewers and helped thousands of people break free from abuse. BTSADV was one of the top ranked nonprofits on Facebook.

In 2020, I felt called to share my gifts for community organizing, fundraising and storytelling with more causes and businesses nationwide. I created my business twins, Boss Babe Networking and The Nonprofit Makeover. In the last 4 years, I’ve partnered with multi-billion tech companies like GiveSmart to help bridge the gap in philanthrophy for nonprofit leaders of color. BBN has helped dozens of women owned businesses scale and create impact in their communities.

Service is an integral part of my life’s work. I currently serve on the Board of Trustees for Leadership Pikes Peak, Centro De Familia, and as an Ambassador for Mt. Carmel Veteran Service Center.


When one person shares their story it inspires others to do the same.

- Kristen Faith


Sharing stories is more than speaking — it’s about creating human connection and breaking barriers. One persons experiences can turn into someone else’s epiphany. Let’s do the unthinkable together this year and let’s create, lead, and inspire through story.


Much love,

Kristen Faith